View the list of everyone who has ever been in Amazin' Blue!

View the chronological history of Amazin' Blue!

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Read the ongoing history project for Amazin' Blue!

View the liner notes for all the albums released by Amazin' Blue:

  1. Amazin' Blue—Little Black Box (1989)
  2. Amazin' Blue—Coed Naked A Cappella (1991)
  3. Amazin' Blue's Compact Disc (1992)
  4. Amazin' Blue Is A Little Crazy... (1994)
  5. Amazin' Blue—Earidescence (1996)
  6. Amazin' Blue—Allnighter (1998)
  7. Amazin' Blue—Raising The Bar (2000)
  8. Amazin' Blue—South U. And State (2002)
  9. Amazin' Blue—<Self Titled> (2004)
  10. Amazin' Blue—Shades of Blue (2006)
  11. Amazin' Blue—Lost In Sound (2008)
  12. Amazin' Blue—The Blue Album (2010)
  13. Amazin' Blue—The Best Of (2012)
  14. Amazin' Blue—ABaker's Dozen (2013)
  15. Amazin' Blue—ABEP (2015)
  16. Amazin' Blue—Heartlines (2016)
  17. Amazin' Blue—River - Single (2017)
  18. Amazin' Blue—Chasing Love. (2017)