Uses of Interface

Packages that use LongPredicate 
Package Description
Functional interfaces provide target types for lambda expressions and method references.
Classes to support functional-style operations on streams of elements, such as map-reduce transformations on collections.
  • Uses of LongPredicate in java.util.function

    Methods in java.util.function that return LongPredicate 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    default LongPredicate LongPredicate.and​(LongPredicate other)
    Returns a composed predicate that represents a short-circuiting logical AND of this predicate and another.
    default LongPredicate LongPredicate.negate()
    Returns a predicate that represents the logical negation of this predicate.
    default LongPredicate LongPredicate.or​(LongPredicate other)
    Returns a composed predicate that represents a short-circuiting logical OR of this predicate and another.
    Methods in java.util.function with parameters of type LongPredicate 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    default LongPredicate LongPredicate.and​(LongPredicate other)
    Returns a composed predicate that represents a short-circuiting logical AND of this predicate and another.
    default LongPredicate LongPredicate.or​(LongPredicate other)
    Returns a composed predicate that represents a short-circuiting logical OR of this predicate and another.
  • Uses of LongPredicate in

    Methods in with parameters of type LongPredicate 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean LongStream.allMatch​(LongPredicate predicate)
    Returns whether all elements of this stream match the provided predicate.
    boolean LongStream.anyMatch​(LongPredicate predicate)
    Returns whether any elements of this stream match the provided predicate.
    default LongStream LongStream.dropWhile​(LongPredicate predicate)
    Returns, if this stream is ordered, a stream consisting of the remaining elements of this stream after dropping the longest prefix of elements that match the given predicate.
    LongStream LongStream.filter​(LongPredicate predicate)
    Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that match the given predicate.
    static LongStream LongStream.iterate​(long seed, LongPredicate hasNext, LongUnaryOperator next)
    Returns a sequential ordered LongStream produced by iterative application of the given next function to an initial element, conditioned on satisfying the given hasNext predicate.
    boolean LongStream.noneMatch​(LongPredicate predicate)
    Returns whether no elements of this stream match the provided predicate.
    default LongStream LongStream.takeWhile​(LongPredicate predicate)
    Returns, if this stream is ordered, a stream consisting of the longest prefix of elements taken from this stream that match the given predicate.