Uses of Class

Packages that use FloatBuffer 
Package Description
Defines buffers, which are containers for data, and provides an overview of the other NIO packages.
  • Uses of FloatBuffer in java.nio

    Methods in java.nio that return FloatBuffer 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.allocate​(int capacity)
    Allocates a new float buffer.
    abstract FloatBuffer ByteBuffer.asFloatBuffer()
    Creates a view of this byte buffer as a float buffer.
    abstract FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.asReadOnlyBuffer()
    Creates a new, read-only float buffer that shares this buffer's content.
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.clear()
    Clears this buffer.
    abstract FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.compact()
    Compacts this buffer  (optional operation).
    abstract FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.duplicate()
    Creates a new float buffer that shares this buffer's content.
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.flip()
    Flips this buffer.
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.get​(float[] dst)
    Relative bulk get method.
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.get​(float[] dst, int offset, int length)
    Relative bulk get method.
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.get​(int index, float[] dst)
    Absolute bulk get method.
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.get​(int index, float[] dst, int offset, int length)
    Absolute bulk get method.
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.limit​(int newLimit)
    Sets this buffer's limit.
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.mark()
    Sets this buffer's mark at its position.
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.position​(int newPosition)
    Sets this buffer's position.
    abstract FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.put​(float f)
    Relative put method  (optional operation).
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.put​(float[] src)
    Relative bulk put method  (optional operation).
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.put​(float[] src, int offset, int length)
    Relative bulk put method  (optional operation).
    abstract FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.put​(int index, float f)
    Absolute put method  (optional operation).
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.put​(int index, float[] src)
    Absolute bulk put method  (optional operation).
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.put​(int index, float[] src, int offset, int length)
    Absolute bulk put method  (optional operation).
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.put​(FloatBuffer src)
    Relative bulk put method  (optional operation).
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.reset()
    Resets this buffer's position to the previously-marked position.
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.rewind()
    Rewinds this buffer.
    abstract FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.slice()
    Creates a new float buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
    abstract FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.slice​(int index, int length)
    Creates a new float buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
    static FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.wrap​(float[] array)
    Wraps a float array into a buffer.
    static FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.wrap​(float[] array, int offset, int length)
    Wraps a float array into a buffer.
    Methods in java.nio with parameters of type FloatBuffer 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    int FloatBuffer.compareTo​(FloatBuffer that)
    Compares this buffer to another.
    int FloatBuffer.mismatch​(FloatBuffer that)
    Finds and returns the relative index of the first mismatch between this buffer and a given buffer.
    FloatBuffer FloatBuffer.put​(FloatBuffer src)
    Relative bulk put method  (optional operation).